Tuesday, September 17, 2013

America Refutable I

Hand Me Down The Lesser expects the more yet not the better
Traded the cotton fields for the streets and is bound by grandiose delusion's fetter
Produces ignorance and folks gawk at his lack of awareness yet continue to care less about this brother's misbehavior 
While he buys into the industry's leisurely spraying of bullets that "euthanize" his consciousness for the legacy that his forefather's left him
And if they sense too much greatness they'll just pop a cap in his chest and chalk it up to suspiciousness, suspiciously there are no witnesses
Just keep him as sedated with objectification as much as possible and he'll never amount to what he had ought to been. 
A life of of not living, or living to death are the only choices given to him.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I love the "juxtaposition" of...

A black man in a business suit.

That combination pretty much sticks it to "the man" in every possible way. Only a kinky, coil-filled afro can set that pairing over the edge.

I've heard people say that afros are a political statement in a negative way. Politics-schmolotics - I can't help it if straight, "neat" hair dulls in comparison. That's your own opinion.  I can't help it if my hair's nature is as unbridled as the curiosity the world has with it. Many have lost fingers, yea entire hands within my mane submitting to this earnest curiosity (with, or without my permission). I certainly can't help the envy of my "ethnicity", or what makes me "exotic" - words tainted with passive aggression used to pacify oceans of insecurity. Just stop it.

Call me what you want. The words that make me less "white" only make me even more appealing to you...
because hatred is really just envy, fear, and anxiety all rolled into one.